Building Collaborative Passports with Community Partners

When community organizations work together, some of our most inventive and unique passports are built. Collaborating with community partners on pass builds helps foster strong connections between organizations and combines niche audiences with powerful campaign tools. Here’s how some of our current clients have leveraged their connections to build passports that benefit their community partners.
Downtown Knoxville + The University of Tennessee
Downtown Knoxville worked together with the University of Tennessee to launch the Inside Pass. This pass targets the employees of the University of Tennessee who work inside the new UT Tower in Downtown Knoxville. The pass highlights 90+ downtown businesses that UT employees can check in and win prizes.

Visit Finger Lakes + Canandaigua Lake Wine Trail
Visit Finger Lakes partners with the Canandaigua Lake Wine Trail to promote the Canandaigua Lake Wine Trail pass. The pass offers tastings at 6 wineries for $35. The passes sold out in 2022 and will be back on sale in 2023. The value of this partnership is undeniable, especially when you consider the impact on individual wineries throughout the region. Learn more about the wine trail.

Visit Indiana + Indiana Foodways Alliance
Consumers can discover the best food in Indiana with the Indiana Culinary Trails Passport. This pass was created in partnership with Indiana Foodways Alliance. The pass allows diners to discover a wide range of culinary options and earn rewards as they do so. The collaboration has been a huge success and provided data that showcases the value of the partnership to both organizations.

Experience Columbus + Music Columbus
The music scene in Columbus has a one-of-a-kind vibe. It made the partnership between Experience Columbus and Music Columbus a no-brainer. The Columbus Live Music Trail features venues throughout Columbus that showcase the city’s signature sound, courtesy of artists of all shapes and sizes. Through the partnership, Experience Columbus shows its support of live music and gives back to the artists who help keep the city grooving.

If you have a unique partner and are looking for new and inventive ways to support how they bring value to the community, a Bandwango passport might be the right solution. Check out the different passports our clients are launching now, and get a demo for yourself!