Bandwango Tips for Show Your Badge Success

As conferences return to destinations, more and more of our clients are considering how to shake up Show Your Badge programs. Bandwango’s technology allows for several options for groups, from customized landing pages to unique opportunities to showcase your destination to attendees. Here are a few Bandwango tips for Show Your Badge success, plus a few unique ways you can use Bandwango technology to drive your attendees into local businesses and other hot spots.

Do you focus on SMERF or corporate markets when responding to RFPs?
These distinctions can help you determine what kind of passport your conventions may need. If you are a largely corporate destination, then you may have less engagement with a discount pass since attendees are likely on corporate cards.
How do you need to report on this information?
When you launch a single Show Your Badge passport, you will be able to see total sign-ups, check-ins and redemptions. If you need to show how many attendees from certain groups are signing up for the passport, Bandwango’s team can support you by providing unique identifiers for attendees to use when signing up.
Are your attendees likely to stay in your convention district, or are there other reasons for them to travel outside of this walkable zone?
It may be tempting to include all of your merchants on your Show Your Badge passport, but many of our conferences see the most amount of redemptions at locations closest to the convention center. Focusing in on a specific area within your destination could help streamline your passport and make it easier for attendees to find locations that make sense for them.
How are you getting the word out about your Show Your Badge passport?
Take the success of your passport into your own hands by placing QR codes for your passport around the meeting space or on pieces of collateral the host hotel is handing out. Meeting Planners may distribute links to sign up for passports ahead of time, but many attendees download conference apps and other helpful destination tools when they actually arrive. Make sure your Show Your Badge passport is top of mind and easily accessible to attendees while in the meeting space or at their host hotel.
Happy Hour Check-In Challenge
Corporate cards don’t always cover alcohol, so featuring happy hours near conferences may be your ticket to tracking attendees in your destination. Challenge attendees to use the passport and grab drinks with their colleagues. Gamify the passport by rewarding the attendee who checks in at the most places with a t-shirt or other memento from your destination.

Bucket List Check-In Challenge
Does your destination have landmarks or must-try dishes? Make sure your attendees make the most of their time in your city by creating a check-in challenge with all the “top” things to do in your destination. This could range from a point of interest to a “famous” food stop. Remember to keep it short since attendees usually only have one free day! A “top 10” approach could make for easy pass build and better attendee usage.

Mural Tour
Youth groups may not be enticed by discounts, but they do love an Instagram moment. Encourage groups to enjoy their hang-time using a passport that shows them the most Instagram-worthy spots in your destination. With check-in points along the way, you can allow them to unlock rewards like discounts at local sweet shops or prizes they can pick-up.