The Best Campus Visit: Customization is Everything

As campus visit guru Jeff Kallay recently posted, customization is everything in the experience economy. From the 383 Billion customization options you have at Starbucks, to the thousands of ways that a student and family can explore their future alma mater, the ability to mold an experience is in the hands of today’s consumer.
So, why do colleges and universities persist in offering a “canned” tour, limited options for families during a visit, and feel like they have to program everything? As Jeff reminds us, we are getting to a larger point here: the educational mission and the “why” behind college. Getting to some of the core messages during the visit is crucial: value, history, along with how to apply, financial aid, etc.
But totally cutting off customization is a huge miss for how we live our lives today, and in a world where the 15 million+ college students will want to have an Amazon, Spotify and Netflix-like experience, it’s just…not smart.
We get it: your staff is at full capacity, and you can’t tailor the visit to every single preference. So, that’s where the world beyond your campus borders can help.

A customized campus visit experience can be boosted by community partners beyond your gates
Students and families are not only exploring a campus, they are choosing a second home town. That’s why we initiated the Bandwango Campus Visit Experience Pass, where you can partner with local attractions, experiences, restaurants and businesses to roll out the red carpet to visiting students and their families. The goal is to showcase the best of what your town or city has to officer, including:
- Key cultural attractions like museums, galleries, aquariums.
- Fun experiences like entertainment venues, and parks.
- Diverse food options, allowing every student to find a culinary home.
- On-campus attractions that might be missed, like galleries, planetariums, and the arts.
The awesome thing about this solution is that the businesses and attractions want visitors, and are ready to welcome your future students. We have thousands of partners ready to join your pass experience. All you need is a place to serve it up and the tech to give it to families in a way that they can truly customize their experience.
That’s why Bandwango launched this unique solution: to bring the combined value of social technology, higher education, and eager businesses into one place. And the result is a customizable, welcoming experience for every family, right in the Bandwango app.
When students truly feel at “home” in a college town, they will be happier, more likely to enroll, and to persist. Remember, you’re not just serving up a degree, you’re offering a community. And when the student remembers their welcome experience, they will join that community and your enrollment results will soar.
Bandwango is onboarding Campus Visit Experience partners right now. Contact us today to get a leg up on your competition by offering a truly memorable visit that stretches past the campus gates. You’ll see results right away.